Friday, 12 September 2008

Coming Up ..... Tuesday 16th September

Humbucker presents The Rainbow Theory + Three And Half Englishmen + Strawhouses

Three and a Half Englishmen:
Three and A Half Englishmen are 4 friends that formed in early 2008 and went straight onto playing gigs in the Coventry area. This then led to recording a 3 track demo at Far Heath Studios in June 2008 with Angus Wallace (The Fall, Spiritualized, The Prodigy). Currently trying to play as many shows as possible to get their name out, look out for this young, energetic 4 piece.

"Firstly I want to thank Three and A Half Englishmen for restoring my faith in music. These 4 guys are an indie band and sound like they've been playing the circuit for years, not few months, with their already distinctive sound. I'm sure they will be an amazing band, one for the future because of the rate they are working at. They're coming out of nowhere but they'll soon be heard everywhere." Broken Toy Box Music

Venue: The Sound Bar, Corporation Street, City Centre, Opposite Aston Uni
Time: 8pm
Cost: £4 / £3 NUS

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